New Practical Chinese Reader 2. The learning pace is reasonable - it assumes learners are motivated, and very quickly progresses to language and grammar you can use every day. Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible.
Hello, I'm using the new practical Chinese reader textbook on my class and I was wondering what hsk level does each volume correspond to, e.g. The learning pace is reasonable - it assumes learners are motivated, and very quickly progresses to language and grammar you can use every day. Liu Xun is a professor at Beijing Language and Culture University, part-time professor at China People's University and Beijing University of Foreign Languages, member of the Hanban Expert Advisory Committee for.
The focus of this course will be on improving your reading and writing skills with increasing grammar complexity and developing your communicative skills to carry out daily life.
Practical Chinese Reader is a series of Chinese language teaching books and videos developed to teach non-Chinese speakers to speak Chinese.
Learning Chinese Forum - Ask a Tutor. Please post interesting links, language learning advice, or questions! It has been compiled under the guidance of the new the HSK Guideline and.