Belly Button Stories. Belly Button Story (História de Umbigo) is an animated short film directed by Michelle Gabriel. it's the story of Milu, a little girl who has to deal… The belly button deserves more attention thanks to all the secrets it's hiding. Belly buttons contain a lot of folds that allow for the buildup of dead skin cells, sweat, and various microorganisms, Cynthia.
We were at the entrance when he finished his story. The belly button marks the area where the umbilical cord used to be attached, says Christopher S. I don't consider it to have any torture in it but its still a belly button story.
If the thought of collecting belly button lint seems a little unsettling, unhygienic or simply unbelievable, Ripley's also has a vast collection of art made from dryer lint!
Belly buttons contain a lot of folds that allow for the buildup of dead skin cells, sweat, and various microorganisms, Cynthia.
Belly Button Magic. © Richard Leavesley. Her belly button looked like a long, thin tube as Michelle continued stretching it, heedless of Nia's Here is another story i wrote. Belly Button Healing is the regular and mindful stimulation of the navel with a tool or your fingers.