Principles Of Financial Accounting 11 Th Edition. This accounting principle assumes that a company will continue to exist long enough to carry out its objectives and commitments and will not liquidate in the foreseeable future. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are important because they set the rules for reporting and bookkeeping.
Objectivity Principle - financial statements, accounting records, and financial information as a whole should be independent and free from bias. Accounts are the basic storage units for accounting data and are used to accumulate amounts from similar transactions. If the company's financial situation is such that the accountant believes the company will not be able to continue on, the.
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Financing activities. involve obtaining resources from stockholders and providing them with a return on their investments and obtaining resources from creditors and repaying the amounts borrowed or otherwise settling the obligations. Accounts are the basic storage units for accounting data and are used to accumulate amounts from similar transactions. The intentional preparation of misleading financial statements is referred to as fraudulent financial reporting.