Technical English Workbook 3 With Key. It presents key technical concepts concisely and with well-labelled illustrations. Galeria Lista plików. sortuj według Teaching English.
It covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in all technical and industrial specialisations. The Workbook provides further practise of the language found in the Course Book and comes with a CD which gives extra listening practise. show more. The course contains the core language and skills which are common to a range of industrial specialisations.
It presents key technical concepts concisely and.
Technical English to praktyczny kurs dla studentów kierunków technicznych, jak również osób pracujących w branżach związanych z produkcją i technologią.
The Workbook provides further practise of the language found in the Course Book and comes with a CD which gives extra listening practise. show more. Technical English covers the core language and skills that students need to communicate successfully in all technical and industrial specifications. Jego autor uwzględnił również potrzeby nauczycieli niebędących specjalistami w zagadnieniach technicznych.